Common Surgical Procedures
Anal Fissure Surgery
If an anal fissure has not healed with medicated creams, surgery may be required to achieve healing.
Bowel Surgery (Bowel Resection)
Bowel resection is the removal of a segment of bowel which is diseased.
A colonoscopy is a visual examination of the large bowel.
Gallstone Surgery
Gallstones that are causing symptoms require treatment.
The most common treatment is surgical removal of the gallbladder.
A gastroscopy is a visual examination of the oesophagus (‘food pipe’), stomach and duodenum (first part of the small intestine).
Haemorrhoid Surgery
There are several options for haemorrhoid treatment.
Hernia Surgery
The aim of hernia surgery is to close or bridge the defect through which a hernia occurs.
Pilonidal Sinus Surgery
Patients who have had more than one (1) infection or ongoing symptoms associated with pilonidal sinus(es) may benefit from surgery.
Rectal Prolapse Surgery
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Stoma Surgery
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