Faecal Incontinence

Faecal incontinence is the inability to control bowel movements and/or flatus (wind). 

It can be an embarrassing issue and can interfere with one’s way of life. 

What causes faecal incontinence?

There are many factors that may cause faecal incontinence.  These include diarhhoea, constipation, muscle damage (or weakness) and nerve damage.  Sometimes, faecal incontinence can be associated with other conditions, such as haemorrhoids, rectal prolapse and some bowel conditions.  Sometimes, there is more than one factor causing faecal incontinence.

Although faecal incontinence can occur to anyone at any age, it is more common as people get older and in females.


How do I find the cause of faecal incontinence?

Faecal incontinence is best assessed by a specialist colorectal surgeon.

It may be possible to get an idea of likely reason(s) for faecal incontinence based on your age, symptoms, past medical and surgical history and a physical examination of the abdomen and anus.

Several tests are available to help find the cause of faecal incontinence.  These include colonoscopy, stool tests (if diarrhoea is present), tests of the anal muscles, specialized x-rays and scans.  Which test are recommended are personalized to your individual circumstances.


How is faecal incontinence treated?

The treatment of faecal incontinence should be personalized based on the cause(s) and how many symptoms you experience.  Some treatment options include medications, exercises and surgery.

Dr Zhu is a specialist colorectal surgeon and has experience in the treatment of faecal incontinence.

Dr Zhu can assess your symptoms and recommend a personalized treatment plan.