
Haemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anus. 

They are sometimes called ‘piles’.

Haemorrhoids can occur within the anus (internal haemorrhoids) or just outside the anus (external haemorrhoids).

Haemorrhoids are common. 


What are the symptoms of haemorrhoids?

Symptoms that can occur with haemorrhoids include bleeding, itch, anal discomfort or a lump (located around the anus or pushing out from within the anus).

NB: These symptoms can also occur with other bowel conditions. It is important to have your symptoms assessed by a medical practitioner before putting them down to haemorrhoids, especially if aged over 50.

What causes haemorrhoids?

Everyone has haemorrhoids, but they do not have symptoms and do not require treatment. 

Haemorrhoids produce symptoms when they become swollen and enlarged.  Most commonly, this occurs due to constipation and straining at stool. 

Other reasons for haemorrhoids becoming swollen include obesity, pregnancy or lifting of heavy objects.


How are haemorrhoids treated?

There are several treatment options available for haemorrhoids.  The best treatment depends on the size and location (internal versus external) of your haemorrhoids, as well as your symptoms. 

Small haemorrhoids can often be treated with lifestyle modifications. 

Larger haemorrhoids may require surgical treatment.  Multiple surgical treatments are available and should be individualized to each patient’s circumstances.

Dr Zhu has expertise in surgical and non-surgical haemorrhiod treatment.  Dr Zhu can assess your symptoms and recommend a personalized treatment plan.