A hernia is a weakness or defect (gap) in the muscles, ligaments, tendons or tissues that surround the abdominal cavity.
This weakness allows organs or fat from within the abdomen to protrude through.
Where do hernias occur?
Common sites for hernia are in the groins or at the umbilicus (belly button).
If you have had previous surgery in the abdomen, a hernia can occur at the previous surgical incision site.
What are the symptoms of a hernia?
The most common symptom of a hernia is a lump at the hernia site. The lump is usually soft and can often be pushed back into the abdomen, resulting in disappearance of the lump.
Other possible symptoms include pain, discomfort or a pulling/dragging sensation and constipation.
What causes a hernia?
If you have not had previous abdominal surgery, the most common cause for a hernia is a natural weakness at the hernia site. This weakness is not related to the size of your muscles or your level of fitness.
If you have a hernia, factors that can make it bigger include obesity, constipation, chronic cough or repeated heavy lifting.
How is a hernia treated?
Hernias usually do not get better on their own.
Surgery to repair the hernia is often recommended. This will get rid of the lump and often improves other associated symptoms. Elective surgical hernia repair also prevents the risk of incarceration and strangulation (also known as a ‘trapped hernia’), which can become a surgical emergency.
Hernias can be repaired with laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery or open surgery. Which option is best for you depends on the location and size of your hernia, whether you have had previous abdominal surgery and any other medical conditions you may have.
Dr Zhu has extensive experience in both laparoscopic and open hernia repair.
Dr Zhu can assess your hernia and recommend a personalized treatment plan.